Shamut (Ex 3:15)
YishaYahu (Isa 43:11)
His Name is so important that the Scriptures tell us in Acts 2:21 whoever calls on his NAME shall be saved. The Scripture attaches knowing His name to Salvation. The Creator Himself wrote His Name with His finger on the Ten Commandments. He spells it like the characters at the left of the page (in Ancient Paleo-Hebrew).
Most call the Creator "Lord and/or God."
Not only have most forgotten and have not known His Name, but they've substituted it for what can be considered as pagan names- "Baal" and "God." Are you ready for a shocker? Just look at what the definitions for "Baal" and "God" are:
Hebrew- ba'al, lord, "Baal" definition: "Lord" (Per Webster's Dictionary).
Baal- lord. (1.) The name appropriated to the principal male "god" of the Phoenicians.
Our Creator has a Name, and it's certainly not "LORD" (Baal).
GOD- According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, GOD is the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship, applied to all the superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word "god" on the conversion of the Teutonic races to "christianity" was adopted as the name of the One Supreme Being. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics and Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary agree that the origin is Teutonic paganism.
This is wrong and it defames His Name. You will clearly learn our Creator and His Son (The Savior) have actual names which identifies who they are.
We all have names, and our Creator is no different. He wants you to know Him by His Name and thus begin to truly know His power and who He is! Knowing someone's name is the beginning of knowing who they are.
Think about this Scripture verse one moment (really stop and think):
Yishayahu (Isa) 52:6 "Therefore My people shall know My Name...."
If you are to be part of His people, then He states you must know His Name.
If you've ever had prayers go unanswered and knew you should have received an answer, then more than likely you've been calling on the wrong Name and have yet to enter into a covenant relationship with Him.
Much effort has gone into hiding or covering over the Set Apart Name of the One and Only Creator. Much effort has gone into deliberately lying and keeping the truth away from us. Think about it, if Ha'Satan knows (which he does) that power and salvation is through the Name of the Creator, how would he go about to deceive us? The answer is simple. He'd try to hide or change the NAME! This is our chance to not be deceived.
We have discovered through the truth of who He is. We’ve done this through our love for knowing the Creator. We got to this point by seeking Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Yirmayahu (Jer) 29:13.
We will show you in an easy to understand manner how "the entire world has been deceived" Hazun (Rev) 12:9.
The Creator of the world is now calling you to walk in TRUTH. If you choose to do so, there is no doubt you will begin to experience the true POWER that is found in no other. There is only one Creator and Savior.
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